
How to Apply

We’re delighted that you are considering SPCS for your child. The links on this page set out the application process but please do call our Registrar if you have any questions, on 020 7248 5156, or email

Entry Points

Early applications are recommended as we have waiting lists in most year groups.

The main entry point into the school for day pupils is 4+ (Reception). We also take a small number of pupils at 7+ (Year 3) and 11+ (Year 7).
Please note that registration for Reception 2025 is now full and that places for day pupils in other years are very limited.
We recommended that you speak to the Registrar who can advise on occasional places at other entry points before registering your child.

Registration application form

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Child's name
Name and address of current nursery or school

Parent 1 Information


Parent 2 Information


The registration fee is £150. Please pay by bank transfer to:-

St Paul's Cathedral School
Sort code: 30 91 83
Account no: 00235861

Thank you for completing the form. All private information will not be externally shared. Please see our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice on our website,