Pupil Voice and Pupil Action

At SPCS we work hard to ensure that every pupil’s voice is heard and that every pupil plays an active part in their community.

Every pupil at SPCS is responsible for leaving the school a better place than they found it. This means playing their part to uphold our culture of kindness and respect. It also means sharing their ideas about how we can improve our school.

Year 8 pupils take on responsibility roles, acting as Heads of Charity, Sport, Performing Arts and mentoring younger pupils.

We have a dynamic elected School Council representing every section of the school which brings about change for our pupils. Recent examples include changes to our lunch queueing system and new playground equipment.

Pupil action can also be seen at work in our committees such as Eco-Committee and the Belonging Committee (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion).

We regularly survey our pupils, formally and informally, to ensure that pupil experience is central to decision-making.

Pupil voice is also an important aspect of our learning. Teachers programme in opportunities for pupils to make choices in how and what they learn, giving them opportunities to experience the independence and responsibilities that come with choice.

Every subject provides opportunities for debate and discussion so that our pupils are used to expressing their views and to listening to the perspectives of others, every day.