Pre-Prep Sport

Sport is a really important aspect of Pre-Prep life here at SPCS. Your child will experience a full range of sports opportunities, learning physical skills and developing character.

We aim to build your child up with the physical skills for success, opportunities for personal challenge and a positive attitude to sport to last a lifetime.

PE takes place on our own Astro-turf pitch and large school hall on site, and the amazing local sport facilities at Finsbury Park – where we hold our annual Pre-Prep Sports Day on the full size athletics track – at Coram Fields, John Orwell Leisure Centre, Archbishop’s Park and City Sport.

Pre-Prep sport teaches your child vital lessons including understanding and following instructions, managing oneself and working well in a team. We foster healthy competition, supporting your child to understand the value of beating a personal best. We actively teach how to cope with winning and losing, building your child’s resilience and ambition. Through sport your child will grow in competence and self-confidence, learning to communicate effectively with others.

We value fair play and celebrate the characteristics of being a good sport and celebrate physical achievement and effort at our Star of the Week ceremony. Physical Education is taught by specialist PE teachers throughout the school and includes Athletics, Dance, Games and Gymnastics. Each year group has a morning of specialist games coaching.


In Reception both Sport and the development of fine and gross motor-skills play a central role, consistent with the Early Years Framework. Managing the body in space, speed and agility, hand-eye coordination, learning to hit and catch, and learning to cooperate and solve problems are all key focus areas. Reception pupils also have a term of dance lessons and enjoy daily opportunities to be physically active through play. Our mini clambering wall and trikes for breaktime are particular favourites. Your child will have plenty of preparation for their first ever Sports Day.

Years 1 and 2

In Year 1 and Year 2 we focus on a wide range of fundamental motor skills (running, jumping, throwing, catching skipping and copying sequences) and the skills needed to engage in competitive situations, particularly through football. We work on timing, and hand-eye co-ordination with fielding, batting, and bowling. In hockey we focus on working effectively with others as part of a team. These are reinforced through a term of Dance lessons. Year 2 have Swimming lessons throughout the year, developing skills and water confidence. They also start to prepare for their Prep fixtures by inter-house competitions and their first ‘friendly’ external fixtures.

At the end of the Summer Term, Pre-Prep greatly look forward to Sports Day and compete with huge enthusiasm and commitment.

Head of PE and Games, Ashleigh Kirby, will be very happy to discuss any aspect of school sport with you and can be contacted on