Year 1
Year 1 is an exciting year for your child. Learning through play continues to be important whilst moving into Key Stage 1. As the year passes, learning becomes more formal, with increased time spent on formal literacy and numeracy activities. Your child is encouraged to develop confidence and focus through all that we do.
Alongside thorough schemes for English and Maths, we follow the International Primary Curriculum, which ensures the children’s learning is creative, thematic and topic-based. The children have weekly lessons in French, Music, Drama, Dance and ICT taught by subject specialists. Year 1 also visit the school library once a week. Relationships Education is taught both as a specific subject and also threaded through all the other subjects and activities of Pre-Prep life.
We ask you to read with your child for 15 minutes each evening.. Starting in the Autumn term, ten spellings will be sent home with your child each week. These spellings should be practised at home and there will be an informal test at school each week. ‘Show and Tell’ takes place weekly, developing your child’s public speaking skills and confidence, as well as the ability to listen well and to ask questions.
Learning beyond the classroom is a vital and much enjoyed aspect of Year 1 life, with trips to the Science Museum and private hire of a London Tour Bus particular highlights. Other favourite moments of the Year 1 calendar include the Book Look, which is an opportunity for your child to show you favourite work and to celebrate progress, and the musical Christmas production show.