
Scholarships are available to exceptional candidates at 11+. Applications are welcome from existing pupils of the school, or from external candidates. Existing choristers of St Paul’s Cathedral are already considered to be music scholars.

Advantages and Expectations of Scholarship at St Paul’s Cathedral School

We offer an enviably broad curriculum within our Year 7 & 8 programme which provides stretch and ambition to every child in a highly creative and supportive community. St Paul’s Cathedral School is rated ‘Excellent’ in every category by the ISI. This rich and varied environment in which Scholars can thrive without being the outsider, creates the ideal platform for young people to become the best of themselves.

Situated under the shade of the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral, the school has easy access to the best that London can offer in the cultural life of one of the world’s leading capital cities.

Scholarship attracts 10% fee remission.

Scholars are expected to uphold the highest standards within our community and as ambassadors to the school.

A maximum of 8 scholarships may be awarded in each academic year, within which a maximum of 4 scholarships may be awarded to existing pupils. Scholarships may be awarded in any, or none, of the four categories: Academic, Music, Sport and Art.

Awards are made on merit alone.

Caveat: Scholarship Awards are not a guarantee of winning scholarships to future senior schools at 13+.

The Profile of a Scholar at St Paul’s Cathedral School

Scholars will be able to demonstrate exceptional aptitude, ability and proven commitment in any one or more of the following disciplines: Academic, Music, Sport and Art.


Application for awards for 2024/25 should be made via the online form by Friday 12th January 2024 at which time a registration fee of £150 is due (the fee is waived for internal candidates). If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the Registrar at

  • Parents must write a letter in support of their application to be uploaded via the online form
  • Apply online using the link below
  • Assessment and interviews will begin the week commencing 22nd January
  • Offers will be made by Friday 16th February
  • In line with the Joint Code of Practice for Schools, acceptance of offers will not be required until Friday 1st March 2025.

Academic Scholarships

Scholarships – Academic

Candidates wishing to apply for an Academic Scholarship will be able to demonstrate a high degree of intellectual curiosity and must display an adaptive and adventurous risk-taking approach to learning and problem solving. Candidates may have exceptional aptitude and interest in one particular domain, or have a broad interest in a range of areas. Successful candidates will be those who habitually read or enquire into their areas of interest beyond the curriculum, and will be self-motivated learners.

Assessment will include reports and references from the candidate’s current school, tests in English and Maths, plus Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Candidates will also be invited to write a short essay on a subject of their choice, and will be interviewed by the Head, the Deputy Head Academic and a subject leader. The interviews are informal, and are designed to allow candidates to freely discuss ideas. Success does not necessarily depend on high attainment in every area of the assessments

Art Scholarships

Scholarships – Art

Candidates wishing to apply for an Art Scholarship will be the type of child who is naturally drawn to, and is compelled to make, design, draw, paint or try out other forms of visual or plastic art.

They may be on their way to developing a personal style and be passionately excited to explore a range of media and ideas.
Either way, they will be prodigious in their output, creative risk takers and naturally curious about the world of art. They will be craving to visit galleries, and to try things out for themselves.

Assessment will include reports and references from their current school, tests in English and Maths, plus Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Candidates will also be asked to discuss their portfolio of work with the Head of Art and the Head.
In addition, candidates will spend time in the art studio, exploring ideas and displaying their drawing skills under instruction to assess adaptability to ideas and guidance.

While the offer of an Arts Scholarship is not a guarantee of a future scholarship to a senior school at 13+, the ambition to do so is encouraged.

Music Scholarships

Scholarships – Music

St Paul’s can boast a very high level of music making, in a school where music is often world-class. Candidates wishing to apply for a Music Scholarship will be at Grade 6 standard in at least one instrument (or above Grade 4 in two instruments). In order to count singing as one of these disciplines, the candidate will already have considerable experience in a school, cathedral or district choir and have excellent sight-singing skills. The candidate will be able to demonstrate an interest in general music-learning, and naturally gravitate towards music-making as a leisure activity at every opportunity. They may have sought opportunities to belong to regional and perhaps national music groups and will be expected to contribute fully to the musical life of the School.

Assessment will include reports and references from their current school, tests in English and Maths, plus Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Candidates will be asked to perform one piece on each of their chosen instruments (or two contrasting pieces if only one instrument is offered); aural and sight-reading tests (on principal instrument only) and an informal interview with the Head and the Director of Music.

While the offer of a Music Scholarship is not a guarantee of a future scholarship to a senior school at 13+, the ambition to do so is encouraged.

Sport Scholarships

Scholarships – Sport

Sport Scholarships will be awarded to individuals who will bring excellence and dedication to St Paul’s Cathedral School through sport and their contribution to the overall community.

Candidates will be expected to show exceptional promise in either one sport or all round ability in two or three sports at club or county level. Sports on offer at St Paul’s Cathedral School are Football, Hockey, Cricket, Netball, Athletics, and Tennis, but other exceptional sporting talents will be considered.

All sports scholarship holders are expected to be fully committed and make a positive contribution to the annual sporting programme at St Paul’s Cathedral School and will be supported by the Head of PE and Games in becoming role models at the school.

Assessment will include reports and references from their current school, tests in English and Maths, plus Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Candidates would be expected to show proof of sporting credentials e.g. medals and certificates, national rankings, newspaper reports, academy acceptance letters, etc.

Candidates will be invited to a practical assessment day where they will be required to complete a series fitness tests and perform in their chosen sport.

References from coaches and other sporting professionals can also be presented in support of the application.

While the offer of a Sport’s Scholarship is not a guarantee of a future scholarship to a senior school at 13+, the ambition to do so is encouraged.

Scholarship Application Form

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Name of Child
I wish to be considered for the following scholarships. (Tick all those that apply).
Publicity for those who win scholarships.
Lists are not published prior to acceptance. I understand that my child’s scholarship result will only be publicised if I accept it. I give permission for my child to be interviewed, named and featured in the media.
Please detail any special arrangements we would need to make in order to enable your child to perform at their best, ie. extra time (supported by an Educational Psychologist report) /enlarged print/wheelchair access etc.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Clear Signature
Registration Fee Confirmation (for non current pupils only).
I/we have arranged payment of the scholarship registration fee of £15