Fees 2024-25

St Paul’s Cathedral School is a charity; any surplus generated is reinvested for the benefit of the pupils. Governors work closely with the Head and Bursar to ensure that the best possible use is made of our fee income.

A limited amount of bursary support is available on a means-tested basis to provide access for those who would not otherwise be able to attend. Please contact the Bursar at bursar@spcs.london.sch.uk or further details.

Day Fees

Prep School (Years 3-8): £7,471 inc VAT per term (£22,413 inc VAT per year), including lunch.
Pre-prep (Reception, Year 1 and 2): £6,940.00 per term (£20,820 inc VAT per year), including lunch.

Music lessons: £63.80 inc VAT per hour (pro rata for shorter lessons).

Registration Fee and Deposit

The non-returnable registration fee is £150.
A non-refundable deposit of £6,000 is required when accepting an offer of a place. £500 is held until the child leaves the school, and the balance is offset against the first term’s fees. Choristers pay a deposit of £300 when they join.


The Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral pay the full tuition fees for Choristers; parents pay the Boarding Fee: £4,198.00 inc VAT per term (£12,594 inc VAT per year) for 2024-25.
Means-tested assistance (up to 100%) is available to support the Boarding Fee from the Chorister Trust. Parents pay the registration fee with a deposit of £300 when they join. For more details about the Chorister programme, click here.