Prep Life

Years 3 and 4

Moving up into the Prep School, Year 3 enjoy having a bit more independence. In these years they learn the routines and habits that will take them seamlessly through the increasing challenges of Prep school. Year 3 particularly like their trips to the art room where they have access to wider facilities including the kiln and printing press. Spelling bees and Geography quizzes are also very popular.

Form teachers teach English,Maths, Science and the International Primary Curriculum (including Theology, Philosophy and Religion and the Humanities). Specialist teachers lead lessons in PE, Dance, Games, ICT, Drama, Art, French and Music. Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), including Relationships Education, are taught by a specialist in this age range.

Independent learning skills are fostered by 20 minutes daily Prep; your child will also be expected to read for 20 minutes each evening.

Highlights for Year 3 include the careful rearing and release of butterflies while Year 4 adore their study of the topic of chocolate, which covers everything from an awareness of fair trade to a chance to design a Golden Ticket, Willy Wonka-style. Year 3 and 4 love to take their learning on the road. Learning about Shakespeare is even more fun when you can walk over the bridge to the Globe!

Years 5 and 6

From Year 5, pupils travel beyond their form base to subject specialists for all their lessons. Year 5 particularly enjoy getting into the science laboratory and proudly wave their Bunsen burner licenses!

With appropriate support, your child will be required to be much more independent and organised, developing habits that will be invaluable at senior school.

Latin, ICT and Humanities are introduced at this stage and specific preparation for verbal and non-verbal reasoning testing at 11+ also begins. Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), including Relationships Education, are taught by a specialist in this age range.

Moving into Year 6, pupils continue with all work on exam technique, and we prepare our pupils for interviews with role play and practice. Year 6 also love their learning beyond the classroom: the Tower of London is a particular favourite.

Your child will bring home 30 minutes of homework each evening and will be expected to read for a further 20 minutes.

Years 7 and 8

In Years 7 and 8, we prepare our pupils for Common Entrance (13+ examinations), as well as any specific entrance or scholarship requirements for their chosen schools. The curriculum is broad and stimulating, with all lessons led by subject-specialists: Maths, English, Science, Humanities, French, Latin and Ancient Greek, Art, Music, Drama, PE and Games. Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), including Relationships Education, is taught by a specialist in this age range.

Year 7 highlights include the Geography residential field trip to Norfolk and the independent project completed in IT lessons. Year 8 love their residential outdoor challenge to Snowdonia and the chance to learn to give tours of the Cathedral. Every two years we run a trip to France for Years 7 and 8 to develop their language skills and cultural awareness.

Your child will continue to bring home 30 minutes of homework daily and will be expected to read for a further 20 minutes each evening. A programme of revision will ensure your child is prepared for the mocks and Common Entrance examinations.