
Charity events are part of the fabric of school life. Raising money for charities encourages a sense of social responsibility and raises awareness about the world around us. We are very proud of the contribution that SPCS pupils make, regularly supporting charities such as the NSPCC, Jeans for Genes, Comic Relief and Children in Need, as well as local charities such as the Spitalfields Crypt Trust and the Managua Islington Friendship Association.

We recently sponsored a Guide Dog puppy, naming it after a very good friend of the school and cathedral, Maurice Sills. We are very proud that Maurice is now a qualified guide dog and already making a huge difference.

Some of the charites we as a community have supported:-

  • The Roald Dalh Marvelous Children’s Charity
  • Shelter
  • Shelter Box
  • Comic Relief
  • Children in Need
  • Guide Dogs
  • Well Child
  • Save the Children
  • Teenage Cancer Trust
  • Air Ambulance
  • Trussell Trust
  • Toilet Twinning
  • Afghanistan and Central Asian Association