How to Apply


We’re delighted that you are considering SPCS for your child. The links on this page set out the application process but please do call our Registrar if you have any questions, on 020 7248 5156, or email

Entry Points

Early applications are recommended as we have waiting lists in most year groups.

The main entry point into the school for day pupils is 4+ (Reception).
Please note, that places for September 2025 and 2026 are now full.

We also take a small number of pupils at 7+ (Year 3) and 11+ (Year 7).

The Registrar can advise on occasional places at other entry points.

4+ – Entry into Reception

Children can be registered from birth and are assessed informally for entry to Reception in the Pre-Prep department in November of the year prior to entry. We invite registered children to join us for a one hour play-based session, which we aim to make as fun as possible for the children.

Before the assessment children are sent a social story all about St. Paul’s Cathedral School and a video tour so that they know a little bit about where they are going.

When we assess we are considering the extent to which children will benefit from SPCS’s lively and fast-paced curriculum. We look to see curious learners who are able to explore their surroundings, engage and cooperate with others. We also ask for a report from your child’s current nursery.

Subject to their attaining the appropriate academic standard, SPCS Pre-prep pupils progress at the age of seven to our Prep School.

7+ - Entry into Year 3

A small number of places is available in Year 3 for boys and girls who have not attended the Pre-Prep department. Assessment at this level takes place in the January before their entry into the school in September. We invite registered children to visit us for a full school day so that they can get a good idea of SPCS life. During the day, they will take tests in Mathematics and English and have an informal interview.

The closing date for entries is December 31st of the year prior to entry.

When we assess for 7+ entry we are considering the extent to which children will benefit from SPCS’s lively and fast-paced curriculum. Successful applicants are curious learners who are able to cooperate with others and have a positive attitude to learning. We also ask for a report from your child’s current school.

11+ - Entry into Year 7

On average up to ten places are available for Year 7 entry. Application can be made from September of Year 6, for entry in the following academic year. The closing date for entries is December 31st of the year prior to entry.

We invite registered children to visit us for a full school day so that they can get a good idea of SPCS life. During the day, they will take tests in Mathematics and English and be interviewed by the Head or another member of the Senior Leadership Team.

When we assess for 11+ entry we are considering the extent to which children will benefit from SPCS’s lively and fast-paced curriculum. Successful applicants, who will have a satisfactory report from their current school, are curious learners who are able to cooperate with others, and can show interest in and commitment to learning.

Scholarships are awarded to exceptional 11+ candidates: Academic, Art, Music and Sport scholarships offer a 10% remission from the full Day fee. You can find further information on application for scholarships here.

Click here to Register your Child

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Child's name
Name and address of current nursery or school

Parent 1 Information


Parent 2 Information


The registration fee is £150. Please pay by bank transfer to:-

St Paul's Cathedral School
Sort code: 30 91 83
Account no: 00235861

Thank you for completing the form. All private information will not be externally shared. Please see our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice on our website,

Chorister Admissions

Choristers (boys and girls) are admitted as Probationers to the Cathedral Choir from the age of seven. They may have attended the Pre-Prep department of St Paul’s Cathedral School or come from another school.

Boy Probationers and Choristers are Boarders. Girl Probationers and Choristers are currently Day Pupils for the academic year 2024-25 only; they will be admitted as Boarders from September 2025 when our second boarding house is completed.

To be admitted as a Chorister, your child must pass the Cathedral Music Department’s Voice Trial and also meet the school’s standard admission requirements. In addition to the process set out for Day Pupils by age above, suitability for boarding and the rigorous Chorister programme is considered.

The day element of Choristers’ fees is paid by the Cathedral; means tested support is available to support with boarding fees.

Click here to view further details.