Choristers (boys and girls) are admitted as Probationers to the Cathedral Choir from the age of seven. They may have attended the Pre-Prep department of St Paul’s Cathedral School or come from another school.
Boy Probationers and Choristers are Boarders. Girl Probationers and Choristers are currently Day Pupils for the academic year 2024-25 only; they will be admitted as Boarders from September 2025 when our second boarding house is completed.
To be admitted as a Chorister, your child must pass the Cathedral Music Department’s Voice Trial and also meet the school’s standard admission requirements. In addition to the process set out for Day Pupils by age above, suitability for boarding and the rigorous Chorister programme is considered.
The educational element of Choristers’ fees is paid by the Cathedral; means tested support is available to support with boarding fees up to 100%. Choristers pay a deposit of £300 when they join.
Click here to view further details of the Cathedral Choir Voice Trial process.
For further information or enquiries about any aspect of Chorister admissions, please contact